Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Alphabetical Index: Author Index:

[Info] Eaden, Atoya, et al. »Wrongfully Convicted, Rightfully Exonerated: The Lives of Cornelius Dupree Jr. and Anthony Massingill.« Africology 10 (2017): 3-19.

[Info] Eagleton, Mary. »Ethical reading: The problem of Alice Walker’s ‘Advancing Luna – and Ida B. Wells’ and J.M. Coetzee’s Disgrace.« Feminist Theory 2 (2001): 189-203.

[Info] Eagleton, Terry. The Rape of Clarissa: Writing, Sexuality, and Class Struggle in Samuel Richardson. Oxford 1982.

[Info] Eagleton, Terry. The Rape of Clarissa: Writing, Sexuality, and Class Struggle in Samuel Richardson. Minneapolis 1982.

[Info] Eagly, Alice H., et al. »The Origins of Sex Differences in Human Behavior: Evolved Dispositions versus Social Roles.« Evolution, Gender, and Rape. Edited by Cheryl B. Travis. Cambridge 2003: 265-303.

[Info] Earl, Hilary, et al., eds. Expanding Perspectives on the Holocaust in a Changing World. Evanston 2014.

[Info] Earle, Rebecca. »Rape and the Anxious Republic: Revolutionary Colombia, 1810-1830.« Hidden Histories of Gender and the State in Latin America. Edited by Elizabeth Dore et al. Durham 2000: 127-146.

[Info] Earner-Byrne, Lindsey. »Child Sexual Abuse, History and the Pursuit of Blame in Modern Ireland.« Exhuming Passions: The Pressure of the Past in Ireland and Australia. Edited by Katie Holmes et al. Dublin 2011: 51-70.

[Info] Earner-Byrne, Lindsey. »Child Sexual Abuse, History and the Pursuit of Blame in Modern Ireland.« Exhuming Passions: The Pressure of the Past in Ireland and Australia. Edited by Katie Holmes et al. Perth 2012: 51-70.

[Info] Earner-Byrne, Lindsey. »The Rape of Mary M.: A Microhistory of Sexual Violence and Moral Redemption in 1920s Ireland.« Journal of the History of Sexuality 24 (2015): 75-98.

[Info] Earner-Byrne, Lindsey, et al. The Irish Abortion Journey, 1920-2018. Cham 2019.

[Info] Easteal, Patricia, et al. »How protected is she? "Fairness" and the rape victim witness in Australia.« Women's Studies International Forum 35 (2012): 334-342.

[Info] Easton, Martha. »Saint Agatha and the Sanctification of Sexual Violence.« Studies in Iconography 16 (1994): 83-118.

[Info] Eate, Penelope. »From Complicity to Coercion: The Representation of the Female Sexual Serial Murderer in the Case of Karla Homolka.« Outskirts 16 (2007).

[Info] Eate, Penelope. »Scribblin’ Sinnin’ Sh*t: Narratives of Rape as Masculine Therapeutic Performance in the Strange Case For and Against Tyler, The Creator.« Journal of African American Studies 17 (2013): 529-545.

[Info] Eaton, A.W. »Where Ethics and Aesthetics Meet: Titian s Rape of EuropaHypatia 18 (2003): 159-188.

[Info] Eaves, Shannon C. Navigating the Sad Epoch: Sexual Exploitation within Enslaved Communities in the Antebellum South. M.A. Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2010.

[Info] Eaves, Shannon C. Sexual Violence and American Slavery: The Making of a Rape Culture in the Antebellum South. Chapel Hill 2024.

[Info] Ebel, Else. »Sittlichkeitsdelikte.« Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde. Vol. 28. Edited by Heinrich Beck et al. Berlin 2005.

[Info] Ebest, Sally B. »Breaking the Silence of Child Sexual Abuse in the Irish‑American Catholic Church.« The Routledge History of Irish America. New York 2024: 445-457.

[Info] Ebro, Joselito, et al. »The Filipino comfort women on YouTube: Emotions, advocacy, and war memories in a transnational digital space.« Memory Studies (June 10, 2024).

[Info] Echols, Mike. Brother Tony’s boys. The largest case of child prostitution in U.S. history. The true story. Amherst 1996.

[Info] Eckart, Wolfgang U. »Kino, Hunger, „Rassenschmach“. Exemplarische Dokumentar- und Propagandafilme aus dem Nachkriegsdeutschland, 1919-1924.« Das Vorprogramm. Lehrfilm, Gebrauchsfilm, Propagandafilm, unveröffentlichter Film in Kinos und Archiven am Oberrhein 1900-1970. Edited by Philipp Osten et al. Heidelberg 2015: 315-336.

[Info] Eckert, Raphaël, et al., eds. Les violences sexuelles dans l'Église. Retour sur les travaux de la CIASE. Strasbourg 2023.

[Info] Eckert, Raphaël, et al. »Introduction.« Les violences sexuelles dans l'Église. Retour sur les travaux de la CIASE. Edited by Thomas Boullu et al. Strasbourg 2023: 9-12.

[Info] Eckhoff-Heindl, Nina, et al., eds. Spaces Between: Gender, Diversity, and Identity in Comics. Wiesbaden 2020.

[Info] Eckstaedt, Anita. »Vergewaltigung und Flucht während des Zweiten Weltkrieges und die Wiederkehr des Verdrängten bei einer deutschen Frau in der dritten Generation.« Unverlierbare Zeit: Psychosoziale Spätfolgen des Nationalsozialismus bei Nachkommen von Opfern und Tätern. Edited by Kurt Grünberg et al. Tübingen 2001: 57-81.

[Info] Edelbacher, Lisa. Body and Text in Selected Works of J.M. Coetzee. Diplomarbeit, Universität Wien, 2013.

[Info] Edelstein, Laurie. »An accusation easily to be made? Rape and malicious prosecution in eighteenth-century England.« American journal of legal history 42 (1998): 351-390.

[Info] Edenborg, Emil. »Endangered Swedish Values: Immigration, Gender Equality, and “Migrants’ Sexual Violence”.« Nostalgia and Hope: Intersections between Politics of Culture, Welfare, and Migration in Europe. Edited by Ov C. Norocel et al. Cham 2020: 101-117.

[Info] Eder, Franz X. Kultur der Begierde: Eine Geschichte der Sexualität. Munich 2002.

[Info] Eder, Franz X. Kultur der Begierde: Eine Geschichte der Sexualität. Munich 2009.

[Info] Eder, Franz X. >Eros, Wollust, Sünde: Sexualität in Europa von der Antike bis in die Frühe Neuzeit. Frankfurt/Main 2018.

[Info] Edgerton, Robert B. Warriors of the rising sun. A history of the Japanese military. Boulder 1999.

[Info] Edgren, Monika. »Makt sexualitet och våld: Lagen, rätten och det sociala livet genom ett våldtäktsmål i Helsingborgs kämnärsrätt 1821.« Scandia 63 (1997): 227-257.

[Info] Edgren, Monika. »Att återupprätta äran: Språk, subjekt och sexuellt våld i äldre tid.« Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift No. 3 (2004): 74-90.

[Info] Edgren, Monika. »Berättelser om sexuellt våld i feministisk forskning.« Tidskrift för genusvetenskap No. 4 (2011): 115-134.

[Info] Edgren, Monika. »Sexuellt våld i vittnessberättelser om massakern på armenier 1915-1916..« Scandia 78 (1997): 87-117.

[Info] Edgren, Monika. »Trauma: Ett tveeggat narrativ om våldtäkt och som stöd i bevisprövning av våldtäkt.« Retfærd 39 (2016): 17-30.

[Info] Edgren, Monika, et al. »Våldtäkt i Sverige 1990-2013: Ett historiskt och intersektionellt perspektiv på berättelser om våldtäkt inom olika genrer.« Gränsløs No. 6 (2016): 82-92.

[Info] Edgren, Monika. »»Tala tillbaka, tala som ”other” i domstolsnarrativ om våldtäkt: Några nedslag under de senaste decennierna.« Tidskrift för genusvetenskap 39 (2018): 116-135.

[Info] Edgren, Monika, et al. »Vulnerability, Agency and the Ambivalence of Place in Narratives of Rape in Three High-Profile Swedish Cases.« NORA (August 23, 2018).

[Info] Edgren, Monika, et al., eds. Rape Narratives in Motion. Cham 2019.

[Info] Edlefsen, Cornelius B. « Gewalt schafft Geschichten »: Gewaltdarstellung im modernen Horrorfilm vor dem Hintergrund einer Dramaturgie der Affekte unter besonderer Betrachtung der Zeichnung und Darstellung von Geschlechtern. Diplomarbeit, Universität Wien, 2010.

[Info] Edleson, Jeffrey L., et al., eds. Encyclopedia of interpersonal violence. 2 volumes. Thousand Oaks, 2008.

[Info] Edthofer, Johanna. »Frauen im algerischen Bürgerkrieg. Die "vergessenen Akteurinnen" in einem "vergessenen Gewaltkonflikt"? Eine gendersensible Analyse« "Vergessene Kriege" - Konflikte abseits der öffentlichen Aufmerksamkeit. Analysen und Perspektiven einer jungen ForscherInnengeneration. Edited by Paul Riener et al. 2012: 94-110.

[Info] Edward, Jane K., et al. »The Consequences of Sudan's Civil Wars for the Civilian Population.« Daily Lives of Civilians in Wartime Africa: From Slavery Days to Rwandan Genocide. Edited by John Laband. Westport 2007: 227-252.

[Info] Edwardes, Allen. The rape of India. A biography of Robert Clive and a sexual history of the conquest of Hindustan. New York 1966.

[Info] Edwards, Katie B., et al. »Introduction.« Rape Culture, Gender Violence, and Religion: Biblical Perspectives. Cham 2018: 1-11.

[Info] Edwards, Katie B., et al., eds. Rape Culture, Gender Violence, and Religion: Biblical Perspectives. Cham 2018.

[Info] Edwards, Katie M., et al. »Rape Myths: History, Individual and Institutional-Level Presence, and Implications for Change.« Sex Roles 65 (2011): 761-773.

[Info] Edwards. Katie M., et al. »Myths about Male Rape> A Literature Review..« Psychology of Men & Masculinity 13 (2012): 211-226.

[Info] Edwards, Katie M., et al. »Rape Myths: History, Individual and Institutional-Level Presence, and Implications for Change.« Sex Matters: The Sexuality and Society Reader. Fourth Edition. Edited by Mindy Stombler et al. New York 2013.

[Info] Edwards, Laura F. »Sexual violence, gender, reconstruction, and the extension of patriarchy in Granville County, North Carolina.« North Carolina historical review 68 (1991): 237-260.

[Info] Edwards, Laura F. »The disappearance of Susan Daniel and Henderson Cooper. Gender and narratives of political conflict in the Reconstruction-era U.S. South.« Feminist studies 22 (1996): 363-386.

[Info] Edwards, Laura F. »The disappearance of Susan Daniel and Henderson Cooper. Gender and narratives of political conflict in the Reconstruction-era U.S. South.« Sex, love, race. Crossing boundaries in North American history. Edited by Martha Hodes. New York 1999: 294-312.

[Info] Edwards, Louise. »Drawing Sexual Violence in Wartime China: Anti-Japanese Propaganda Cartoons.« The Journal of Asian Studies 72 (2013): 563-586.

[Info] Edwards, Susan S.M. Female Sexuality, the Law and Society: Changing Socio-Legal Conceptions of the Rape Victim in Britain since 1800. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Manchester, 1979.

[Info] Edwards, Susan. »Sex crimes in the nineteenth century.« New society 49 (1979): 562-563.

[Info] Edwards, Suzanne M. Beyond raptus. Pedagogies and fantasies of sexual violence in late-medieval England. Ann Arbor 2006.

[Info] Edwards, Suzanne M. The Afterlives of Rape in Medieval English Literature. New York 2016.

[Info] Edwards, Suzanne M. »Medieval Saints and Misogynist Times: Transhistorical Perspectives on Sexual Violence in the Undergraduate Classroom.« Teaching Rape in the Medieval Literature Classroom: Approaches to Difficult Texts. Edited by Alison Gulley. Leeds 2018: 12-28.

[Info] Edwards, Wallace. Comfort Women: A History of Japanese Forced Prostitution During the Second World War. 2013.

[Info] Eftekhari, Shiva. »Struggling to survive. Barrierrs to justice for rape victims in Rwanda.« JENdA No. (2007).

[Info] Egami, Sachiko. »Rijun funü baoxing he zhanshi Zhongguo funü zazhi.« Shehui kexue luntan No. 7-8 (1999): 19-25.

[Info] Eggers, Nicole. »Mukombozi and the Monganga: The Violence of Healing in the 1944 Kitawalist Uprising.« Africa 85 (2015): 417-436.

[Info] Eggert, Katherine. »Spenser’s ravishment. Rape and rapture in The Faerie QueeneRepresentations No. 70 (2000): 1-26.

[Info] Eggert, Katherine. »Spenser’s ravishment. Rape and rapture in The Faerie QueeneRepresenting rape in medieval and early modern literature. Edited by Elizabeth Robertson et al. New York 2001: 381-410.

[Info] Eglitis, Daina S. »Silences of Memory: Liberator Sexual Assault in the East at the End of World War II.« The Journal of Holocaust Research (August 22, 2024).

[Info] Ehara, Yumiko. »Jūgun ianfu ni tsuite.« Shisō no kagaku No. 152 (1992): 32-41.

[Info] Ehret, Karolin. »Josef Fritzl: Das „Monster von Amstetten“?« Psychologie des Guten und Bösen: Licht- und Schattenfiguren der Menschheitsgeschichte. Biografien wissenschaftlich beleuchtet. Edited by Dieter Frey. Berlin 2019: 347-358.

[Info] Ehsan, Muhammad, et al. »A Study of and Violence against Women in Feudal Society with Special Reference to “My Feudal Lord’’ by “Tehmina Durrani”.« Journal of Literature, Languages and Linguistics 15 (2015): 54-58.

[Info] Ehsan, Muhammad., et al. »Sidhwa s Feministic Thought in Ice-Candy-Man: A Feministic Study in the Light of Religion and Social Laws.« Studies in Literature and Language 14 (2017): 26-29.

[Info] Eichhorn, Svenja. Posttraumatische Belastung deutscher Frauen nach sexualisierter Kriegsgewalt am Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Diplomarbeit, Universität Greifswald, 2009.

[Info] Eichhorn, Svenja, et al. »Trauma and current posttraumatic stress symptoms in elderly German women who experienced wartime rapes in 1945.« Journal of nervous and mental disease 198 (2010): 450-451.

[Info] Eichhorn, Svenja, et al. Das Geheimnis unserer Großmüter. Eine empirische Studie über sexualisierte Kriegsgewalt um 1945. Gießen 2011.

[Info] Eichhorn, Svenja, et al. »Bewältigungsstrategien und wahrgenommene soziale Unterstützung bei deutschen Langzeitüberlebenden der Vergewaltigungen am Ende des II. Weltkriegs.« Psychiatrische Praxis 39 (2012): 169-173.

[Info] Eichhorn, Svenja, et al. »Long-Term Effects of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Compared with Non-Sexual War Trauma in Female World War II Survivors: A Matched Pairs Study.« Archives of Sexual Behavior (March 2014).

[Info] Eichhorn, Svenja, et al. »Psychosoziale Konsequenzen des Aufwachsens als Besatzungskind in Deutschland.« Besatzungskinder: Die Nachkommen alliierter Soldaten in Österreich und Deutschland. Edited by Barbara Stelzl-Marx et al. Vienna 2015: 39-61.

[Info] Eichhorn, S., et al. »Readiness to reconcile and post-traumatic distress in German survivors of wartime rapes in 1945.« International Psychogeriatrics (January 2015).

[Info] Eichler, Ulrike. »Weil der geopferte Mensch nichts ergibt. Zur christlichen Idealisierung weiblicher Opferexistenz.« Sexuelle Gewalt gegen Mädchen und Frauen als Thema der feministischen Theologie. Edited by Ulrike Eichler. Gütersloh 1999: 124-141.

[Info] Eifler, Christine. »Nachkrieg und weibliche Verletzbarkeit. Zur Rolle von Kriegen für die Konstruktion von Geschlecht.« Soziale Konstruktionen. Militär und Geschlechterverhältnis. Edited by Christine Eifler et al. Münster 1999: 155-186.

[Info] Eigenberg, Helen M. »Correctional officers and their perceptions of homosexuality, rape, and prostitution in male prisoners.« Prison journal 80 (2000): 415-433.

[Info] Eigenberg, Helen M., et al. »If You Drop the Soap in the Shower You Are On Your Own: Images of Male Rape in Selected Prison Movies.« Sexuality & Culture 7 (2003): 56-89.

[Info] Eigenberg, Helen M., et al. »Introduction. The history of prison sex research.« Prison journal 80 (2000): 360-367.

[Info] Eiland, Sarah W. »The Unspoken Demands of Slavery: The Exploitation of Female Slaves in the Memphis Slave Trade.« The Gettysburg College Journal of the Civil War Era. 10 (2020): 60-77.

[Info] Eisewicht, Paul, et al. »Fallstudie Sexueller Kindesmissbrauch in Familien in der DDR: Fallstudie zu den Anh rungen und Dokumenten der Aufarbeitungskommission.« Geschichten, die zählen. Vol. 1. Edited by Unabhängige Kommission zur Aufarbeitung sexuellen Kindesmissbrauchs. Wiesbaden 2020: 239-271.

[Info] Eisner, Manuel, et al. »Long-term trends in child maltreatment in England and Wales, 1858-2016: An observational, time-series analysis.« The Lancet Public Health 4 (2019): e148-158.

[Info] Eissler, Kurt R. »Comments on erroneous interpretations of Freud seduction theory.« Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 41 (1993): 571-583.

[Info] Eissler, Kurt R. Freud and the seduction theory. A brief love affair. Madison 2001.

[Info] Eitler, Pascal. »Das »Reich der Sinne«? Pornographie, Philosophie und die Brutalisierung der Sexualit t (Westdeutschland 1968-1988).« Body Politics 1 (2013): 259-296.

[Info] Eka Hindra. Momoye. Mereka memanggilku. Jakarta 2007.

[Info] Ekholm, Jennifer. Excitable Boys: Male Dominance and Female Sexuality in Aphra Behn's The Rover and Thomas Middleton's A Chaste Maid in Cheapside. B.A. Thesis, Scripps College, 2018.

[Info] Ekka, Prasanta B., et al. »Philomela's Tapestry and #MeToo: Reading Ovid in an Indian Feminist Classroom.« #MeToo and Literary Studies: Reading, Writing, and Teaching about Sexual Violence and Rape Culture. New York 2021: 135-149.

[Info] Ekmekcioglu, Lerna. »A Climate for Abduction, a Climate for Redemption: The Politics of Inclusion during and after the Armenian Genocide.« Comparative Studies in Society and History 55 (2013): 522-553.

[Info] Ekmekçioğlu, Lerna. »Kız Kaçırma ve Kız Kurtarma: Birinci Dünya Savaşı Sırasında ve Mütareke Yıllarında İstanbul’da Ermenilik ve Müslümanlık.« Toplum ve Bilim No. 129 (2014): 223-255.

[Info] Ekmekcioglu, Lerna. »Arevankumi yev Azadakrumi Mtnolord: Gineru yev Manugneru Nerkravman Kaghakaganutyune Hayots Tseghasbanutyan Entatskin U Ange Yedk.« Haykazian Hayagitakan Handes 35 (2015): 327-374.

[Info] Ekström, Simon. »Last och lust i våldtäktsmål: Stockholm 1946-1950.« Mord, misshandel och sexuella övergrepp. Historiska och kulturella perspektiv på kön och våld. Edited by Inger Lövkrona. Lund 2001: 145-167.

[Info] Ekström, Simon. Trovärdighet och ovärdighet. Rättsapparatens hanterande av kvinnors anmälan av våldtäktsbrott Stockholm 1946-1950. Hedemora 2002.

[Info] El Nossery, Névine. Témoignages fictionnels au féminin: Une réécriture des blancs de la guerre civile algérienne. Amsterdam 2012.

[Info] Elander, Maria. »Prosecuting the Khmer Rouge Marriages.« Australian Feminist Law Journal 42 (2016): 163-175.

[Info] Elander, Maria. »In Spite: Testifying to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence During the Khmer Rouge Period.« Queering International Law: Possibilities, Alliances, Complicities, Risks. Edited by Dianne Otto. London 2018: 110-127.

[Info] Elander, Maria. »Prosecuting the Khmer Rouge Marriages.« Transitional Justice in Law, History and Anthropology. Edited by Lia Kent et al. London 2020.

[Info] Elbert, Thomas, et al. »Rwanda -- lasting imprints of a genocide: trauma, mental health and psychosocial conditions in survivors, former prisoners and their children.« Conflict and Health 7 (2013).

[Info] Elder, Sace. Murder Scenes: Normality, Deviance, and Criminal Violence in Weimar Berlin. Ann Arbor, 2010.

[Info] Elder, Sace. »Prostitutes, Respectable Women, and Women from "Outside": The Carl Grossmann Sexual Murder Case in Postwar Berlin« Crime and Criminal Justice in Modern Germany. Edited by Richard F. Wetzell. Oxford 2014: 185-206.

[Info] Elegbe, Olugbenga, et al. »Gender Politics And Silences On Rape In The Nigerian Films „Tango With Me“ And „Code Of Silence“.« Media Literacy and Academic Research 2 (2019): 128-140.

[Info] Elenowitz-Hess, Caroline. »Reckoning with Highland Rape: Sexuality, Violence, and Power on the Runway.« Fashion Theory (November 20, 2020).

[Info] Elezovic, Alma, et al. »Heilpädagogische Diagnostik: Zur wissenschaftlichen Stigmatisierung von Kindern und Jugendlichen, die an den Folgen von sexualisierter Gewalt litten.« Erziehungswissenschaft 28 (2017): 63-73.

[Info] Elfenbein, Caleb I. »The Value of Historicizing Sexual Violence.« Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 33 (2017): 169-171.

[Info] Elfman, Lois. »Scholars Seek Justice for Often Disregarded Comfort Women.« Women in Higher Education 26 (2017): 7-15.

[Info] Elkins, Caroline. Britain's Gulag: The Brutal End of Empire in Kenya. London 2005.

[Info] Elliott, Dyan. »Sex Scandal and the Clergy: a medieval blueprint for disaster.« Why the Middle Ages Matter: Medieval Light on Modern Injustice London 2011: 90-105.

[Info] Elliott, Dyan H. »The Corrupter of Boys: Sodomy, Scandal, and the Medieval Clergy.« Notches (November 10, 2020).

[Info] Elliott, Dyan. The Corrupter of Boys: Sodomy, Scandal, and the Medieval Clergy. Philadelphia 2020.

[Info] Elliott, Zandy U., et al. »Female Participation in Major Crimes in Jamaica from 2014 to 2024.« International Journal of Current Research in Education, Culture and Society 8 (2024): 31-58.

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[Info] Elliott Hood, Kristin R. ‘The terror of trees and streets’. Lynching, rape, and interiority in African American women’s fiction. Ann Arbor 2003.

[Info] Ellis, Jay. »The rape of Rawlins. A note on All the Pretty HorsesCormac McCarthy journal online 1 (2001).

[Info] Ellis, Lucy. Her panting heart beat measures of consent : Women s sexual agency in Eliza Haywood s Fiction. M.A. Thesis, University of Ottawa, 2019.

[Info] Ellis, Mary L. »A lynching averted. The ordeal of John Miller.« Georgia historical quarterly 70 (1986): 306-316.

[Info] Ellis, Mary L. Rain Down Fire: The Lynching of Same Hose. Ph.D. Thesis, Florida State University, 1992.

[Info] Ellis, Megan. »Re-defining rape. Re-victimizing women.« Resources for feminist research 17 (1988): 96-99.

[Info] Ellis, Robert R. »Reading through the Veil of Juan Francisco Manzano: From Homoerotic Violence to the Dream of a Homoracial Bond.« PMLA 113 (1998): 422-435.

[Info] Ellman, Maud. »The power to tell. Rape, race and writing in Afro-American women s fiction.« An introduction to contemporary fiction. International writing in English since 1970. Edited by Rod Mengham. Cambridge 1999: 32-52.

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[Info] Ence, Jonathan J. Explaining Conflicts in Japanese-South Korean Relations. M.A. Thesis, Utah State University, 2013.

[Info] Enders, Jody. »The spectacle of the scaffolding. Rape and the violent foundations of medieval theatre studies.« Theatre journal 56 (2004): 163-181.

[Info] Enders, Jody. »The devil in the flesh of theater.« Transformationen des Religiösen. Performativität und Textualität im geistlichen Spiel. Edited by Ingrid Kasten et al. Berlin 2007: 127-138.

[Info] Enders, Jody. »Foul Play: Rape, Murder, and the Medieval Theater of Everyday Life.« Cahiers de Recherches Médiévales et Humanistes No. 25 (2013): 145-164.

[Info] Enders, Ursula, et al. Schlussbericht der unabhängigen Kommission zur Aufarbeitung von Missbrauchsfällen im Gebiet der ehemaligen Nordelbischen Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche, heute Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Norddeutschland. Hamburg 2014.

[Info] Endres, Nikolai. »Difficult Dialogues about a Difficult Dialogue: Plato’s Symposium and Its Gay Tradition.« From Abortion to Pederasty: Addressing Difficult Topics in the Classics Classroom. Columbus 2014: 212-226.

[Info] Engel, Helmut. Die Susanna-Erzählung: Einleitung, Übersetzung und Kommentar zum Septuaginta-Text und zur Theodotion-Bearbeitung. Freiburg 1985.

[Info] Engelhardt, Kerstin. »Frauen im Konzentrationslager Dachau.« Dachauer Hefte No. 14 (1998): 218-244.

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[Info] Engels, Henrike. Das Spiel mit den Tabus: Petrons Satyrica und der Diskurs über Sexualität und Gender in der griechisch-römischen Literatur. Inaugural-Dissertation, Universität Bielefeld 2014.

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